Updates on Health Policy

Dear Parents,

Zion Christian Academy International (ZCAI) will continue with our Online Program until May 1, 2020. For students in the 1st through 6th grades, please ONLY send your child to school if both parents are working and in need of childcare. We strongly urge you to join our Online Program with ZOOM for all students who have a parent or guardian who can stay home with them. To download ZOOM, please go to zoom.us and follow directions listed on the website.

Parents, if your child is in 1st through 6th grades, please come pick up your child(ren)’s work for the next two weeks on Friday, April 17th, from 4 pm to 5 pm.

Health Standard:

For students who fall into the categories listed above and who are present at school, we will continue to enforce a strict health policy. Please read the following policy.

  1. All students and staff present during the week of April 13-17 will be required to wear masks each day. If the student is unable to attain a mask, they will be unable to be on campus during this time. We will not be providing the masks for the students.
  2. If your student or a member of your household has the following symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore or itchy throat, or a runny nose, we ask that you do not bring them to campus. If these symptoms are discovered while on campus, we will send the student home and ask the parents to keep the student home for an additional 14 days or receive a doctor’s note of a negative COVID-19 test.
  3. If your student or a member of your household has traveled outside of Okinawa (including mainland Japan), please stay home for 14 days.
  4. ZCAI will strictly enforce social distancing for all students who are on campus.

We are taking this very seriously due to the rise of COVID-19 cases here in Okinawa. The safety of your home, our students, our staff, and our community relies on all of us working together to prevent the spread of this virus.

If you have any questions, please contact the office at 098-936-9986 or email us.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to ending this school year strong.

Zion Christian Academy International Administration
ジェームズ E. ウィテカー
Gloria Whitaker
Joshua Whitaker





  1. 登校する生徒全員そしてスタッフ全員が毎日マスク着用の義務があります。マスクを持参出来ない生徒は授業に参加することが出来ません。学校ではマスクを用意致しませんのでご了承下さい。
  2. もし生徒及び生徒のご家族に次の症状がある場合:咳、発熱、息切れ、喉の痛みやかゆみ、または鼻水等のような症状がある場合には登校をさせないでください。これらの症状がみられた場合はすぐにお迎えに来てもらい、さらに14日間の自宅待機をしてもらいます。学校に戻る際は新型コロナウイルスのテストで陰性であるという診断書が必要です。
  3. もし生徒及び生徒のご家族が県外(日本本土も含む)へ渡航した場合、14日間自宅待機してくださるようお願い致します。
  4. 当校ではキャンパス内にいる生徒達に的確な距離を保たせます。



ジェームズ E. ウィテカー
Gloria Whitaker
Joshua Whitaker

Updates on Health Policy